Our Vision

  • Help our learners achieve their full potential through quality education, training and recognition of prior learning
  • Maintain a participatory work ethic, rely on the innate excellence of our staff and provide a training culture in which they excel.
  • Maintain a passion for continuous improvement and continuously improve processes and teaching related services

Our Mission

At The Oasis College, we will meet or exceed our learners’ expectations by continuously improving and updating the skills and resources needed for demand driven Education, Training and Development.

Academic Excellence

We have proven results and strong academic standards, well embedded into the curriculum for guidance and professional development. All this is tailored to ensure that, all our students are nurtured into critical thinkers, communicators, learners and future leaders.

Extra Curriculum

At Oasis College we encourage participation and enjoyment of all sporting codes, our aim is to produce a well-balanced sports person by developing social skills and coordination the school has active, productive, and positive coaches on the field. Each and every child is offered an opportunity on the sports field.